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Implantable contact lens (ICL)


Jun 16, 2020

Mr Bardan is a certified provider of the STAAR Visian ICL.

ICL is an option for refractive correction. If your eye is not suitable for laser vision correction and you would like to enjoy glasses free life, ICL is an alternative solution.

It can be used to correct a wider range of refractive errors than laser procedures including nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism.

It has been used in about 2,000,000 eyes around the world with very successful outcomes and a high patient satisfaction rate after the procedure.

The procedure is simple and takes about 25-20 minutes, can be done under local anaesthetic and your eye will recover within a few days of surgery.

During the consultation we will go through risks and benefits of the procedure, run a few diagnostic tests to ensure you are a suitable candidate for ICL and take measurements to tailor it to your eye.

Published On: February 22nd, 2023 / Categories: ICL, lens based refractive surgery /

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